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Crypto webminers have become increasingly popular as an easy entry point into cryptocurrency mining. These webminers use JavaScript and Webassembly to mine cryptocurrencies such as Monero. Webassembly is a low-level bytecode format that is designed to be efficient and portable, making it ideal for use in web-based applications. The use of JavaScript and Webassembly allows for the creation of web-based cryptocurrency miners that can be easily embedded into websites and run on users' web browsers. This approach has become popular due to its ease of use and accessibility, allowing anyone with a web browser to participate in cryptocurrency mining.

Payout & Balance Check

You need to reach the minimum payout threshold for example xmr monero has 0.003 xmr, after that you get automatically the payment to your wallet, you will find your mining stats on the pool website. An overview of all default pools can be found on Default Pools Overview For e.g. Monero XMR the default pool is moneroocean Moneroocean paste in your wallet and you should see your mining stats. Every accepted share will be recorded instantly on the mining pool, you can start and stop mining as you like. And you can use many devices as you wish with same wallet, hashing speed will be merged on poolside.

Selfhost to avoid some AdBlocks

Copy the script content to a new script but keep url parameters

<script src="" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
EverythingIsLife('replace_with_your_xmr_address', 'x', 30);
50 (throttle option) = ~50% CPU usage | 70 = ~30% CPU usage | 30 = ~70% CPU usage

Webmining UI Samples

Static Pools example
Custom Pools example

Important for webmining UI users

Information for all miners: Please use a own custom frontend solution for your 100+ workernames with same wallet like database, json and pool api for calculating rewards (for e.g. self hosted webminer UI Service / Integration with dynamic workernames where you pay your users and so on)...every samewallet.differentworkername (or different passwords) is a single connection to the mining pool and will not be bundled via backend --> You produce to much workload for the mining pool and can result with a wallet ban from me or the mining pool. If you use "some" different workernames/passwords with your same wallet all is fine, same as samewallet.sameworkername/samepassword with high count of devices :)

Wallets and Infos

Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. It is open-source and accessible to all. With Monero, you are your own bank. Only you control and are responsible for your funds. Your accounts and transactions are kept private from prying eyes.

1. Create your Wallet

Easy trade, sell and mining Monero on Binance Exchange wallet

Online Monero Wallet Generator

2. Start mining with Crypto Webminer

Open Crypto Webminer & use your Public Monero address

3. Check your payments

Open payment check

Haven Protocol Be your own offshore bank

1. Create your Account | Wallet

Create an XHV Haven Wallet

2. Start mining with Crypto Webminer

Open Crypto Webminer & use your Public Masari address

3. Check your payments

Open payment check

Bytecoin is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency with open source code that allows everyone to take part in the Bytecoin network development. Privacy and security come naturally from using Bytecoin. The best solution for those who want to keep their financial privacy.

1. Create your Wallet

Bytecoin Wallet

2. Start mining with Crypto Webminer

Open Crypto Webminer & use your Public Bytecoin address

3. Check your payments

Open payment check

SUMOKOIN is created with a high level of privacy in mind, setting Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCT) with minimum ringsize (mixin) of 12 to conceal sources/amounts transferred and make it high resistance to blockchain analysis.

1. Create your Wallet

Wallet Sumokoin Download

Online/Offline Sumokoin Wallet Generator

2. Start mining with Crypto Webminer

Open Crypto Webminer & use your Public Sumokoin address

3. Check your payments

Open payment check

Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer consensus network, every transaction on the network is cryptographically secured against any adversary. Using a cryptographically sound protocol, Masari ensures that all your transactions are private by default.

1. Create your Wallet

Wallet Masari

2. Start mining with Crypto Webminer

Open Crypto Webminer & use your Public Masari address

3. Check your payments

Open payment check